weight loss

Could Weight Loss Drug Treat Addiction as Well as Obesity?

 Could the class of new weight-loss drugs, including semaglutide, approved as Ozempic to treat type 2 diabetes and Wegovy to treat obesity, also reduce addictions and compulsive behaviors?

As demand for semaglutide for weight loss increased following the FDA's approval of Wegovy in June 2021, personal stories of additional unexpected benefits also began to emerge for the class of drugs known as GLP-1, which mimic a natural hormone called glucagon-like peptide. . -1 which helps the person feel full.

Some patients taking these medications for type 2 diabetes or weight loss have also lost interest in addictive and compulsive behaviors such as drinking alcohol, smoking, shopping, nail biting, and scratching. skin, as reported in articles in the New York Times and The Atlantic. , among others. . For now, the reports are purely anecdotal, so they are subjective and have not yet been clinically verified. But there is also some initial research that supports these

4 Factors That Are Responsible For Increase In Childhood Obesity

It is one thing to see adults suffering from obesity, but it is much more disturbing to see that children also suffer from it. Unfortunately, this is happening all over the world, even in India.

Many children are receiving treatment for obesity in India, which is demanding as they are the next generation. To resolve a problem, you need to know the real reason for the problem. Here are four plausible reasons why childhood obesity is becoming a growing concern.

How a Weight Loss Surgery Assists You Overcome Obesity

If obesity has influenced your life to the point that your mobility has been affected and your health has been severely affected, it's time to consider weight loss treatment. Weight is not only an aesthetic problem but also a serious medical problem. Obesity can lead to other dangerous conditions, so it's best to have an operation.

Optional surgery

Weight loss or obesity surgery is the best option for losing weight if you are suffering from extreme obesity, with a BMI higher than 35. Weight loss surgery in India can allow you to lose nearly 35% or more weight. However, it is not a miracle cure, and you must follow a healthy diet and exercise program.

Types of weight loss surgery

There are three types of medical procedures, including gastric bypass surgery, gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy.

Gastric bypass

surgery involves the creation of a small pocket in the upper part of the stomach. A piece of the small intestine is connected to the freshly prepared bag. While food and liquids have entered the part of the digestive tract, the stomach is bypassed.

The gastric bypass should be kept at a strategic distance from those who have a high BMI and those who cannot walk even a short distance. If you have problems such as sleep apnea, your risk of difficulty increases. However, if your doctor tells you that you can do this type of surgery, there are certainly many benefits. Because the amount of food is limited, you eat fewer supplements and fewer calories.

The gastric band

is a procedure in which the stomach is divided into two pockets using a band. The band is adjustable and you may need to recover from the surgery before adjusting it to lose weight.

In sleeve gastrectomy, a substantial part of the stomach is removed and a thin vertical sleeve is maintained. The staples keep the new stomach closed. The surgery is not reversible because part of the stomach has been removed.

Weight loss expectations

All of these types of medical procedures guarantee that your stomach gets less food and that you feel fuller when you eat. The weight loss expected in different types of surgery fluctuates. While patients lose approximately 70% of gastric bypass surgery, patients with sleeve gastrectomy may lose approximately 60% and patients with gastric bandage approximately 50%.

When will you lose those pounds?

The time it takes to lose weight also varies from one type of surgery to another. For example, in case of gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, normal weight loss is achieved 12 to 15 months after the method. In the gastric bands, weight loss is gradual and the expected loss is achieved approximately two years after the operation.

It is essential to follow any medical weight reduction procedure, as well as lifestyle changes. If you expect to find a solution to your excessive obesity, you should look for some type of weight loss treatment. There are many centers that offer Ahmedabad surgery for weight loss and you need to choose the one that has a decent success rate and has the best referrals.

How a Weight Loss Surgery Assists You Overcome Obesity , Weight Loss Surgery Assists You Overcome Obesity , Weight Loss , Surgery Assists You Overcome Obesity , Weight Loss Surgery , Assists You Overcome Obesity , Overcome Obesity , Obesity , 

How Forskolin Helps To Weight Loss

With obesity having epidemic proportions, people are looking for anything that can help them lose weight. The warning is that some substances may be harmful to your health. Prescription drugs have side effects, so think of natural alternatives.

 Remember that anything that is natural can also pose health risks. Guarana is completely natural, but it contains caffeine alkaloids and can speed up your heart rate.

What you need to remember here is to always consider what you are taking in relation to the foods and drinks you consume. If you drink cola, tea or coffee, your system already contains caffeine, so be careful.

Close The Gateway To Obesity Take Didrex

Obesity is not just eating too much and having a bulky body. This is more like a gateway to serious illness. Obese people should not be ridiculed; they should rather be taken care of.

 Obesity is calculated based on the body mass index (BMI) of a person's body. By dividing a person's weight in pounds by the square of their height in meters, we get the calculated BMI. If an individual's BMI is greater than or equal to 30, it falls into the category of obesity.

Obese people develop certain diseases such as hypercholesterolemia,

Weight Loss - Not by Magic But With Efforts

Weight loss is part of health and fitness habits due to the increase in obesity and weight gain syndrome in meters and in urban areas.

Contrary to popular belief, weight loss does not require a difficult exercise program or strict dietary practice, but a simultaneous exercise on your part that requires little effort, but gives weight loss results to the patient.

The main reason for obesity is the regular consumption of extra calories that our

Health & Medical Weight Loss Surgery Eliminate Obesity And Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes

A recent scientific study led by Swedish researchers, a new and very exciting about weight loss results, with reported that weight loss surgery not only benefits the judiciary in obesity but also reduces the risk of developing diabetes type 2.

The researchers found that the costs of drugs and insulin for diabetics , and the total of other health care costs decreased in the following years to the process of weight loss is largely due to lack of drugs used to reduce sugar surgery.

The researchers explained that people who suffer from obesity and diabetes rising health care costs as a result of the use of high amount of doses to reduce sugar in the blood due to obesity, and the solution in weight loss surgery.

Although previous research has found that weight loss procedures, known as bariatric surgery, can reduce the sugar in the blood to the point of disappearance diabetes mainly, but still WHO recommends these operations only for patients who suffer from excessive extremely obese.

 The researchers added that obesity raises the risk of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes because they cause disturbances in thyroid hormones and cause imbalance in the pancreas, so you must be careful of obesity.