weight loss

Is Green Tea Healthy and Can You Lose Weight With It ?

You can eat healthier by eliminating unhealthy foods as much as possible from your diet, leaving all candies and cookies, and from now on, do not put any more snacks in your mouth.

By replacing this with healthy snacks such as nuts, vegetables and fruits without salt, you lose weight in a healthy way and do not need to be hungry.

Now, of course, there are different foods that help you lose weight. Did you know that green tea is an example?

Making Your Own Healthy Meal For Weight Loss

If you are looking for a healthy meal to lose weight, do not think that you have to endure tasteless, boring and boring dishes, even if you know that you have to reduce certain types of foods. All you need is a little planning and a lot of creativity to create a delicious and healthy meal to lose weight.


In most cases, you really do not need to create new

Best Protein for Weight Loss and Healthy Living

Macronutrients are the significant supplements required by the human body. There are three sorts of macronutrients: protein, fat, and sugars. In this article we will answer the inquiries:

What is protein?

For what reason do we require protein?
What is the best protein for weight reduction or for all around solid living?

Healthy Foods To Eat For A Healthy You

We all know that being in the form that we know we need to eat healthy foods. However, with all the different options available on the market, it can sometimes be difficult to choose healthy foods to eat are. Here are some foods you should eat if you want to enjoy good taste and optimal nutrition. 

Coco is not only good to eat when you are stranded on a tropical island, as it is presented in the movies. Coconuts provide carbohydrates and lipids, which are also needed by the body to stay healthy. Coconut oil can help reduce the rate of heart disease. In addition, coconut oil provides lauric acid also helps the immune system to fight infection by viruses and bacteria. This is also a good coconut is not part of the fruit trees or lost because they can be used appropriately. 

Fish, especially saltwater species are the healthiest protein sources. Unlike cattle that are fed with chemical fertilizers to grow food, fish feed from minerals in the water, such as iodine. In addition, fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that the body can not produce or effectively convert, but it is necessary for the body to function properly. Omega-3 helps to relieve inflammation in the body. The best fish to eat are, of course, costs. 

Seaweed or kelp is a large seaweed that contains large amounts of potassium. Apparently, seaweed provides more potassium, because it also contains significant amounts of protein, iodine, magnesium and other minerals than expected in many crops in quantities of earth. You can also get the EPA, an omega-3 type of algae. 

It is a type of food that is so versatile that you can add in stews, soups and even salads. Mushrooms grow rich and organic substances. They can provide protein and iron and many other nutrients. Eating mushrooms can help boost your immunity against diseases and infections. In addition, mushrooms have been used in many clinical and laboratory studies, as experts say there are compounds found in fungi that can help in the fight against breast cancer. If possible, always make sure that what you buy are organically grown mushrooms. 

Watercress is an excellent source of iron and contains more iron than spinach. In addition, powerful antioxidants are also contained in watercress that can support the fight against lung cancer and breast cancer. Only about three ounces of watercress in one day and can improve the levels of specific antioxidants in the body. Although you can not usually find watercress on the market, perhaps you might consider growing your own hydroponic garden more than I can eat watercress ensure it is free of synthetic fertilizers and chemical plant. 

It is a food that will never be spoiled despite several years of storage. Natural honey has properties similar to the hormones that make a great addition to your diet. Instead of using refined sugar, use honey to sweeten your food and drinks. Honey contains antioxidants. Can also be used as a natural antiseptic injury. Phyto including Greek honey absorbs breast, endometrial and growth of prostate cancer.