weight loss

Coronavirus COVID-19: What To Make Of It and What To Learn From It

So what is COVID-19 trying to tell us?

Pay attention

No other virus, war, natural disaster or similar adversity has succeeded in attracting COLLECTIVE attention in such a powerful way in a long time. The question of exactly what to pay attention to is complex (as there are so many things that we have swept under the rug).

 But isn't it wonderful that we are forced to slow down, stay at home and (hopefully) think without being distracted by what is important, what is precious and what is worth spending our life?

 Of course, if we waste this precious time watching cute puppies and posting stupid videos on Facebook instead of paying attention to what really matters, we are missing the point here.

We are all connected (also known as "A Unit Lesson")

If we ever need proof that we are all connected and that everything we touch (literally and metaphorically) is connected to everything else, we have it now.

 Finally (and I hope) a great awareness begins to arise: we can no longer continue to "pee" at one end of the pool (that is to say the planet) and swim at the other end thinking that our shit is not going to catch us. We all swim in the same pool and everything we do in that pool comes back to us.

Therefore, the removal of "dirty" production from Europe in China (and this is only one of the millions of examples of separation) cannot and does not serve Europe (or any other continent elsewhere) because shit inevitably comes back, as the spread of the virus clearly illustrates.

 By the way, is it not remarkable that a situation that requires social isolation (i.e., apparent separation) really increases the feeling that we are all connected, that we are all in this ( and everything else) together!

It's time to renew

The old structures must be demolished so that we can start from scratch (with a new consciousness, but with few means). At first glance, it is no coincidence that the virus targeted the lives of predominantly elderly people with one, two or more pre-existing conditions - that is, people who should have died there. a while if they weren't there. t by artificial means to prolong life.

 But vital artificial resources are now exhausted (without breathing apparatus, medical personnel or other supplies). This should lead us to rethink the vital technologies that so many people trust and that have therefore given up their personal health responsibilities.

What about focusing on disease prevention plans (at the end of the pandemic): healthy eating, exercise, meditation, etc.?

 How many people would suffer from heart disease and diabetes (the two main conditions that go hand in hand with coronavirus deaths) if there was no junk food or modern stress?

Feel comfortable with death enjoying every moment

Death in itself is not a tragedy. On the contrary, a wasted life is a tragedy. A person who has lived with integrity, has made a significant contribution to himself and to society, and has maintained quality relationships throughout his life, has no regrets.

This type of person is ready to die at any time and with happiness. Become that person yourself. Reassess your priorities and start spending time on what matters. Let go of the grudge.

Start to feel that you are connected to all other human beings. Forgive, feel more love and less resentment. Stop living a tragic life and your death will not be tragic either. Both can be a celebration.

These are some of the messages that I think we need to hear right now. There are of course many other things to consider and many more will be revealed to us during this experience. This is why we must remain flexible, watch carefully (pay attention), ask intelligent questions and continue to seek their answers in the deepest. In this way, we really take advantage of the situation by cleaning our own luggage.

Any other behavior (eg, impatience, frustration, anger, and impatience to see how it spreads to get things back to “normal”) is immature. We need a change of consciousness (to move the virus) and if we resist it, the virus will persist.

Coronavirus COVID-19 , Coronavirus , COVID-19  ,

Covid 19 - Your Defense Against It

Our world continues to be amazed by the pandemics that are causing the loss of thousands, if not millions, of people. Your body may be affected by these diseases and infections.

The latest COVID-19 has led our world to take generous precautions to avoid and defeat the rampant virus. The virus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, originated in Wuhan, China, and has caused viral impressions worldwide in recent weeks. Some cases would be much more serious than others.

Reasons For Choosing All Natural Organic Skin Care Products

Many people tend to worry about their appearance, which in most cases is the skin area. Any acne on the skin can make some people crazy and they can catch whatever they find as long as they have an engaging explanation on how it makes their skin look smooth and beautiful.

It is not the best idea, as they could end up making the situation worse. This is the main reason why you should first check the ingredients of the products. All natural organic skin care products can be the best remedy.

What are the best foods for weight loss?

Research by scientists has revealed that certain foods can have an impact on appetite. These could be beneficial for weight loss when incorporated into a healthy diet and lifestyle. Read on for more information on seven foods that may be helpful in losing weight.

People should buy nutrient-dense foods if they are trying to lose weight. Foods that provide protein and fiber may be particularly helpful in weight control.

One study found that certain foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and yogurt, were linked to weight loss.

How to Lose Stomach Fat in Men - 3 Simple Tips From the Expert That Explain How to Lose Stomach Fat

If you are tired of trying various methods to lose stomach fat in men, you should read this article, which provides the 3 simple and proven tips from the leading expert to help you lose fat. stomach. the stomach

Confusion over the advice given by most weight loss products that a low fat diet can help you lose weight is actually a misconception. There is no reason to eliminate or limit the calorie intake of a food group made up of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Restrictive regimes will always fail at some point. As long as you eat the right types of fat without overdoing it, you can build a lean body and lose abdominal fat.

Tips # 1 - Food processing is the key factor

- Most of the food supply these days is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), an artificial sweet product currently on the market, and trans fats, which are very harmful to our bodies. Manufacturers tend to maximize their profits without worrying about the health of consumers.

 These products also promote fat storage and increase fat in the abdomen. If you are serious about losing abdominal fat and maintaining a slim, healthy body, you should avoid these two products as much as possible, if not completely.

You can avoid such a product by avoiding buying processed foods and choosing natural or unprocessed foods.

Tips # 2 - Eat the Right Foods

Here are some of the foods recommended by experts that help lose stomach fat in men and promote a healthy, slender body:

Fruits and vegetables

Lean meats and white and red fish

Low-fat or fat-free dairy products

Eggs and egg whites

Unrefined whole grains and whole wheat bread,

Cereals rich in fibers and non-hydrogenated oils little processed (such as extra virgin olive oil, linseed oil and virgin coconut oil).

Warning: avoid drinking fruit juices, because the fruits must be consumed whole. Include fiber and other beneficial nutrients instead of drinking juice, which has extra calories.

Tips # 3 - Choose the right workout

Many people do not realize that routine cardio workouts are not the effective way to lose weight compared to other workouts like cycling and weight training.

You end up burning more calories because a lot of muscles have been traumatized during cycling or strength training. Your body needs extra calories to repair muscle damage.

How to Lose Stomach Fat in Men , Simple Tips From the Expert That Explain How to Lose Stomach Fat , How to Lose Stomach Fat ,Lose Stomach Fat ,