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Health Benefits of Dark Cherries

Research has shown that there are many health benefits of black cherry (cherry) that are worthy of consideration for people looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle. These health benefits are relatively common for highly valuable and are ideal for those who want to increase their consumption of fruit per day. Although more tasty red cherries when fresh pie, black cherry or may have equivalent red cherries and more without having to pay a high price for a product in demand health benefits. 

What are the health benefits of black cherries? Among the highlights should be brought to the attention of all. 

We found that black cherries have higher antioxidant content of red cherries, but levels are still higher than most other types of fruit on the market - rich in antioxidants.
The secret of antioxidants is the skin color of cherry is due to pigmentation typically dark red pigment. When consumed on a regular basis, anthocyanins perform a variety of functions, including acting as a natural anti-inflammatory agent to help patients with arthritis to manage the frequency and severity of attacks of arthritis. Anthocyanins are also valuable nutrients that can help fight cancer, reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health and reduce the risk of cell damage often caused by free radicals generated by stress. 

Low in calories and fat - Other health benefits of tart cherries that are often taken for granted is their low fat content and calories. In itself, this is not a very valuable feature. However, when you consider that you can replace the black cherry in its dry form their traditional snacks, this advantage is even more valuable. By eating black cherries, not only to cover all the benefits of antioxidants, but also without the risk of gaining weight and becoming obese. Indirectly, this low in fat and calories is also the reason why the heart can not benefit from an increase in the consumption of black cherry, because it no longer has to deal with heart problems gaining weight . 

A considerable amount of fiber - all need a sufficient amount of fiber in the diet to improve our digestive processes. Black cherries containing about 2.5 grams of fiber in a cup, making it one of the most beneficial fruits to regulate digestion and appetite control. Fiber helps your body feel full so that you do not want more food at mealtimes. Again, what makes a great choice cherries as a snack between meals if you do not feel as hungry before the next meal. 

The health benefits of black cherries are there for you in a supermarket or health food shelf. If you really want to adopt a healthy lifestyle, start by adding cherries to your daily diet and you will see how easy learning can be healthy diet, all in just a few bites a day. They really know very dry and can be found on the Internet if your local stores do not carry them. You can also use the extract of sour cherry and cherry juice concentrate. 

If you like the taste of cherries and want to know more about their health benefits, as well as get some great recipes cherries, do not forget to visit our more than 200 articles on the cherry.

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