weight loss

Diet and Exercise As the Recipe for Weight Loss Success

An essential part of successful weight loss is your diet - the foods you eat can help keep your weight loss goals, or may interfere. The choice is yours. If you're like many of us, you probably have a nagging feeling that your diet can be healthy. It will be more difficult, however, adopt a healthy diet without having a clear idea of ​​what you eat on a regular basis.

 It can often be surprisingly aware of what we put in our mouths! Keeping a food diary can be a great way to become more aware of what you eat. In your food diary, you need
to store each item of food you eat, including all snacks. This food diary will be beneficial for at least two reasons. Once you record everything you eat for several weeks, you will be able to see all the entries and make a much better idea of ​​how your action plan in terms of average daily intake of calories, the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats consumed daily, etc.

Another reason to keep a food diary is that many people find that the record of everything they eat have the unintended consequence of making them eat less and more healthy food choices. 

With a healthy diet, regular exercise is an essential part of any weight loss program. Once you start exercising, unless the amount you exercise in your food diary. Keep all years - the amount of time it works, and the date - help you stay accountable to yourself.

 And looking back into your daily exercise will help you feel proud of yourself and help motivate you to continue. Find some type of exercise that you enjoy. Like walking? Running? Dance? Participate in some form of physical activity at least four times a week for an hour each time. (Of course, you have to run right before your exercise plan with your doctor first.) 

Resist the temptation to let the numbers on the scale define how you feel about their exercise activities and food. Weigh yourself once a week and if the numbers do not move, focus on how your clothes are fitting. Muscle weighs more than fat, so it is quite possible to have the same weight, but poorer than when you started. 

Losing weight - and maintain weight successfully - require both food and exercise changes. Keep track of your activity on exercise and nutrition will help you stay accountable. Focus more on how your clothes are fitting rather than its weight

1 comment:

  1. I agree that an essential part of your success in weight loss is your diet. In fact, diet is 80% of the equation! Another critical factor is of course, your workouts. Choose activities that you enjoy so that you will stay motivated to keep on going! Another great tip that I've had success with is working out with a buddy. Thanks for a great article!
