weight loss

Weight Loss - It's in Your Head

When you truly consider the weight loss process , the battle waged is mostly in your mind. "Should I eat the corn bread with butter or would it be better for me to have margarine or better yet, make jelly What should I eat this bread anyway? It's so full of fat saturated and calories. Am a pig. I absolute zero. " No wonder you 're going to eat a bagel with butter and slather jelly on top to quiet the negative part of internal dialogue.

What more need a plan is a way to change these more adaptive negative self-defeating thoughts , positive phrases . As with most things worth doing a bit of practice is needed. First, take into consideration in a negative statement, then determine what about that thought is faulty is used , and finally replaced by a self-defense or coping thought response .
In the example of corn muffin , instead of listening to "I'm a pig ," which clearly mislabels who you are , respond with " Pigs are animals, and I 'm human. I do not have to be perfect. "

Many people can not change their eating habits until they change their thoughts about food, eating and drinking. Thoughts Put " distorted" and replace food production habits can be changed. It is possible to get rid of a lot of self-critical thoughts , but like any ingrained habit , vigor and vigilance to change. Here are some other thoughts distortions Challenge:

Functions. If reports are the values ​​of the other , not chosen by the person who wants to lose weight. In addition , states should reflect an attempt by the dieter to motivate without really believing in the value. Better determine what works for you. "I will eat up to two Hershey kisses daily and thoroughly enjoy . "

All - or - nothing. This kind of thinking is the basis of perfection. An all- or - person does not see the world in black and white. As there is no provision for the shadows , the behavior is perfect or a failure. "I ruined my diet by eating the whole pizza. Can not stay on a diet and I will always be fat. " Maybe the problem is not the behavior poses ... maybe the problem lies in the system which does not allow the pizza. " I do not want to give the pizza for the rest of my life, so I need a way to include pizza in my diet without feeling like a failure. Will try to get a salad ( dressing on the side ) before the pizza to take the initiative of my hunger. "

Good bad food / . Indeed, the food does not behave badly. Foods are not good or bad. While some foods have more nutrients or are denser than other fibers, all foods can be enjoyed. Our thinking food dyes we eat and how we eat . If a food is labeled as bad ( like fleas ) , and for many people that food is taboo. When he finally succumbs to eat fries, prohibited , bulimia can cause. Rather than continue with dichotomous thinking of good food / bad food , go to accommodate all the foods you love without judgment. Instead of " I ate the fries that are so bad for me " to " I really liked this small fries. Really satisfied me . "

Distortions of body. Instead of insisting on more or less weight you think your body is , it helps to see your body in terms of what it can do for you . For example , when we look in the mirror, instead of zooming in on his stomach which "looks five months pregnant , but her last baby was nine years ago ," said " my body has given life " or " my body allows me to go wherever I want and allows me to have fun . "

Conversations that occur inside your head can not be stopped. However, what you can do is to be aware of negative thoughts, and understand that it has little to do with actual reality. When you think you can answer the critical voice with a more objective thinking face. While negative thoughts can not be stopped while they may be relieved to learn compassion , caring voice. In the same way that you sympathize and listen to a close friend who will listen . Be your own best friend and it is likely that you will be the loss of the most successful weight.

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