Ultraviolet rays continue to have serious effects on the world today . Those who have been the victims have experience to share. Others are yet to learn the lesson and continue pilgrim without worrying about the consequences . They forget the hardships they have to go through the effects begin to appear. It is therefore important that everyone understands how harmful sun tan.
Swimming offers the possibility to get vitamin D. However, the resulting disadvantages are incalculable. This requires that each take care of it to prevent these problems from occurring . These effects are accelerated by the fact that the ozone layer is made smaller . This causes holes to keep fluctuating .
For centuries, natural tan was used to achieve the desired results . It consists of two types of radiation. The most common is the ultraviolet radiation is the main cause tanning effect on the skin feels. These rays are the effect or experience at the bottom of the skin.
Melanomas are stimulated to form melanin. Is a pigment of the skin. Melanin is formed during this period are fully responsible for Tan. However, it takes time to form melanin. Therefore can not get a tan all in one day. The process does not take place within two days . After this happened , which was not more than seven days to get the desired tan.
The negative side of the pilgrim has a greater effect than the benefits . These effects are determined by certain factors. The best known is the time when one is exposed . Longer exposure can cause blisters , burns and inflammation. Finally, you can get sick .
Take the sun can cause skin cancer have . This disease is very poor and eventually contract must undergo several medical procedures to recover. This has become a threat to the world . Therefore , it is important that once you have the opportunity, he or she should avoid at all costs .
It also causes rapid aging of the skin. What you have a number of wrinkles. This happens because the collagen, which is a constituent of the skin is damaged . The condition is irreversible and must be avoided at all costs due. This can be avoided by using sunscreens.
Everyone longs for the summer season. When this happens, many people enjoy sunbathing . They tend to forget so easily that can have a long term effect on them. Therefore, many have become addicted and out of it was not easy. It is essential that the subject is treated with the utmost care , not only to provide a chilly reception . Many dermatologists were concerned, but it is more of an individual decision.
This invites everyone to change for the better. Tanning can be done more safely .
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