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Different Ways To Stimulate Senses Of The Baby Using Scented Towels

All parents can help the baby to strengthen their senses with scented towels . After birth, the external environment is a new experience for the baby. This is because the sounds they make . Facilitate the experience of the hardest materials that are around. They learn to do things they have.

Make the baby feel safer caress her face and extremities . About two months after birth , can start some massages with a little pressure in kneading motion. The best way to stimulate the sense of touch is through swimming. Mothers can introduce children to the world of water and drops of hot and cold region.

Music is the best way to have an impact on the public. Many experts recommend letting the baby listen to Mozart because studies have shown that the incidence of certain brain areas . They can play at night while they sleep. It was made by the people of the region.

According to ancient wisdom , sweet and comforting parents babies.These voice lullabies are the favorite sounds tend to calm down and are very effective tools to get the baby to sleep. It is better to be able to have more tools and accessories that are made for newborns.

Babies have a good sense of smell early on. They learn about the smell of his mother very early to recognize the smell of other people in your life . They are also sensitive to the smell of breast milk and formula can distinguish . This can cause major problems for three to four months .

Your sense of sight becomes clear advantage in the first year of his birth. They first become sensitive to light and try to keep your lights dim and soft. It is best to encourage the development of interesting visual stimuli whole thing . Babies usually love to see their faces . However, parents should not too much, because your concentration is low.

Newborns often have blurred vision and can not distinguish colors . Keep baby in an environment with low light in the first few weeks . The brightness of lights can affect your vision. This may mean that not even open the window curtains . In addition, there are many people who need to get ahead of the times when they are around .

Games like hide and seek are very stimulating for the baby. It is preferable to include items in the game as they tend to scare a lot of people in the region. Strong reactions may attend and the temporary disappearance of mothers and their favorite toys . Not only fun, flexes the muscles of the eyes too.

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