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Certain Stuff To Know About Sunless Tan Sprays

Tanning is very popular today because it allows people with pale skin, not only for a beautiful bronze color. This can be done during the holidays at the beach, but also in the privacy of a home or in a salon. A faster alternative to sun exposure is the use of spray tanning . They are able to offer the same bronze color without risking the UV rays are harmful to the skin . An example of this category of products jets tan.

With spray tanning , the result can be obtained immediately . This makes it ideal for those who are interested in exposing the natural tan color for all seasons . Tanning Center is an optimal solution for a uniform natural bronze color . The big advantage is that this type of spray tanning can be easily used at home for sunbathing or just to keep the color obtained in a trade.

There are many other alternatives to tanning sprays , such as sunless tanning lotions , oils, pills , etc., but the main advantage of spray tanning is the uniform coverage and the application does not require rubbing or massaging skin. It can also be used successfully to reach difficult areas such as the back . These products are not having a fatty structure , dry quickly , leaving the skin to breathe freely.

The ingredients of the composition of the spray tan interact directly with the surface of the skin. In this way , a beautiful bronze color uniform can be obtained without spending hours lying in the sun. Many celebrities use these products at home , simple machines to complex aerosol that can be used with the help of skilled birth attendants.

Researchers at the American Academy of Dermatology , support the active tanning spray tanning is responsible dihydroxyacetone ( DHA). The substance is a derivative of glycerine which increases the production of melanin. Melanin is the substance responsible for the darkening of skin cells .

As DHA interacts with the dead skin cells , which is not absorbed directly , and therefore non-toxic. But as the dead cells are permanently removed from the surface of the skin , the effect of tanning without sun aerosol containing DHA is five to seven days. DHA This substance was discovered in 1920 by German researchers , and used for the preparation of cosmetics for over 30 years.

Substance DHA is found in the composition of a large number of aerosol tanning without sun , including lotions , oils , sprays . Products containing DHA are limited only for external use. That is why they are not recommended for the region of the lips and other areas covered by a mucous membrane. The area around the eyes is another area that requires special attention , we recommend the application of products containing color additives .

A self-tanning product can help you achieve a beautiful brown skin in a very short time. But the important thing to remember is that spray tanning is not a substitute for sunscreen. This is because the sunless tanning products do not have the ability to protect the skin against the harmful effects of the sun .

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