weight loss

6 Phases of the Perfect Workout

Another day in the gym, another series of "crazy things people do when driving." 

I told you that the only time I saw a coach asks customers to stay on a Bosu with boxing gloves and then do some kind of crazy reverse punch / backhand slap then the coach was standing behind their skates? 

I was speechless ... until - in the same gym - I saw another coach instruct his client's foot on a Bosu ball and your front foot in a weight set up and make split squats (!). 
Seriously, the coach had his client hold a dumbbell. What about them? 

Anyway, I have not seen something stupid this weekend, but I have never seen a guy take up arms, chest press, and clean and presses supersetted with squats. 

Probably one of the worst I've ever seen driving controls. So today we will cover the best exercise for maximum results with minimum training time. Here's what happens. 

The best on the training exercise is: 
Step 1: Warm 
Step 2 (optional): Education Skills / power 
Step 3: Major Resistance Movement or Superset September right training 
Step 4 (optional): Superset or movements in Circuits 
Step 5: Training torso 
Step 6: Interval Training 
Let `s look at each step in detail. 

Step 1 - Warm-up 
This is not the time to jump on the treadmill. It prepares you for the steps 2-5. Then jump and focus on a weight exercise general warm body covering all major muscle groups and joints. 

Step 2 - Skill / Power Training (Optional) 
Competition and strength training should be done at the beginning of a workout, while the neuromuscular system is fresh, not tired. That `s why you should not make clean energy at the end of a workout or supersetted with squats. Unless you like the result of injuries and disgust. 

Power and skills training are also an option for fat loss, but if you have goals or maximum athletic strength, it is time for more effective training. 

In addition, this type of training is not bad for fat loss, but you must do so at all levels correctly. 

Even beginners can do strength training, as well as very low box jumps (4-6 inches) - is jumping on the floor on a solid surface, as high aerobic step. 
Anyway, this is a complex issue and we can not go another day. 

Step 3 - Major Training Resistance Movement (Set right or superset) 
If you exercise to lose fat and get as much work in a short period of time, we `ll stands by supersets as shown in the Turbulence Training workout. Simple, but effective. 

However, if you want to dramatically increase your strength in the bench press, deadlifts, squats, push-ups, squats on one leg or power cleans, you can also make groups before going to their supersets. 

With games for the force method, you `ll get more rest (2-3 
minutes) between sets. 

Alternatively, you can create one of these stretching exercises or less competitive movement. 

For example, if I `m focusing on the strength of the bench press, could extend psoas (hip flexor) in the area between sets or super-posterior deltoid dumbbell raises - something that uses the time between series, but does not affect the performance of my strength. 
Again, another topic for another day ... Meathead and future training. 

Step 4 - minor movements (Superset or circuits) 
I think you `ll get more muscle building and strength when you choose supersets several circuits. That said, if you want to lose weight and maintain lean muscle mass, you can complete your workout more quickly by having your resistor circuits metabolism workouts. 

Step 5 - Training torso 
I prefer the term `to basic training, but essentially we are talking about the same thing. Work your abs, obliques, lower back muscles, etc., using stability exercises - as in all formations. Seamless, no ABS. Sometimes old school is good but not when it comes to ab training.Stage 

6 - Interval Training 
Instead of long, slow cardio, boring, use interval training to burn belly fat. You only need to spend 15-20 minutes doing interval training, instead of 40 minutes or more of cardio. 

This completes the perfect workout for fat burning exercises. Save time and money with this plan to get more results and get the body you deserve.

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